WHAT?! THAT'S DRAGON'S MOTHER THINKS THAT SHE CAN SET MORVAN FREE! WELL WE'LL SEE ABOUT THAT!" That was the king of all moon dragons (The one thats keeping Morvan (Ice Fires dad) looked up in jail!) the king was called Gimli.

But she didn't notice a strang little creacher following her!!!

The next day Ice Fire packed her stuff and left. But then she discided to go and free her father. "Should I go or not." Ice Fire said to herself. That night Ice Fire was thinking about what her mother said. When you find him you will have to fight the king and set you father free." Then she passed away. "Hes a moon dragon they only live on the moon. " Go leave this place, go and find your father" "I have a father?! Well then where is he?" Ice Fire asked. she was very kind to Ice Fire (considring she is her only child) But Jemma got very sick, Ice Fire tryed everything she could do, but is was no use "I'm sorry mum" Ice Fire said "I tryed everything i could but it didn't work." Then Jemma wispered something into her ears. (Oh and she breaves out fire and ice) She lived with her mother called Jemma. She was really adventurous, she loved being outside with her friends looking for strang things/places and going on adventures.